3D/4D Obstetric Ultrasound

3D/4D Obstetric Ultrasound

We have at our disposal latest equipment in ultrasound providing accurate and precise pictures. There is also the possibility of recording the exams in DVD.

One final note for bostetric Ultrasound 3D and 4D which you can see the fetus in three dimensions (3D) and real time (4D). It can be performed at any stage of pregnancy, altough it is more common to perform it from 26-28 weeks, for the realism if the pictures obtained. Note that it is not always possible to obtain pictures of the baby's face due to inadequated fetal positioning, amniotic fluid variations and/or any maternal obesity. Exams are optional and never replace the standard 2D ultrasound but sometimes are importante to document morphological changes detected in 2D.